Indian Space Week consists of space education and outreach events held by space agencies, aerospace
companies, schools, College, University, NGO, planetaria, museums, and astronomy clubs around the
National in a common timeframe. India Space Week is coordinated by the India Nation with the support of
the India Space Week (ISW). The ISW leads a global team of National Coordinators, who
promote the celebration of India Space Week within their own countries.
The ISA AND IICT declared in 2022 that India Space Week will be held each
year on the Celebration of birth of 12-18 august Vikram Sarabhai.
India Space Week is an approved nodal
institute, part
of the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) (a unit of Indian Space Research Organization
(ISRO) Outreach Network. As a nodal institute, India Space Week coordinates several online courses
and webinars run by IIRS. Students can register for these courses by selecting "India Space Week
from the drop-down list in the online registration form. India Space Week Association will monitor
participant attendance, certificate printing and examination for the participants, on behalf of IIRS
Outreach Program.Objective of this outreach program is to provide an opportunity for individuals to
learn Remote
Sensing and Geoinformation Science for the benefit of their professional career. Courses in Remote
Sensing and Geoinformation Science will allow graduates to build their knowledge and practical
expertise in RS and GIS technologies with independent study and project experience at the
certificate level.
IIRS ISRO E-learning platform offers different courses such as Basics of Geocomputation and Geoweb
services, RS & GIS Applications, Geographical Information systems, Understanding of Coastal Ocean
processes using RS & Numerical Modelling, Global navigation satellite systems, RS & Digital image
analysis, RS Applications in agricultural water management and many more.