Diploma in Space Science

Space has long been described as the final frontier for humanity. Modern space research began less than 80 years ago during the aftermath of a global war. As of today, Astronomy and Space Science are at the forefront of global collaborative research and are one of the most challenging fields to work in. Research in space science has benefitted the human race in several aspects. Technological advancements that are made to solve a problem in spaceflight have proven to be of great importance. The Infrared Thermometer was originally developed through NASA collaboration for studying the temperature of planets and stars. Today, it is used extensively for checking a person's body temperature, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic. Similarly, the wireless headphones that everyone uses today were developed for astronauts and were even used by Neil Armstrong when he delivered his monologue from the Moon. There are several such examples of technology transfer that have enriched our daily lives. Astronomy and space science research is not limited to scientists, however. Every space research mission requires a diverse group of experts with an optimal technical skill set. Astronomers, physicists, chemists, computer scientists, mathematicians, aerospace, chemical, and electronic engineers are just a few of the extensive group of individuals that can work in space science. Students who wish to take this path must possess the right skills and tools for enhancing their education and career. The Diploma course offers an insight into the technical tools and skills required for studying astronomy along with providing a comprehensive overview of core topics in astronomy making it a unique blend of scientific and technical.

Course Objectives:

  • To explain the in-depth concepts of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
  • To provide hands-on experience for students on the astronomy instruments.
  • To develop scientific temper and critical thinking.
  • To create awareness about various opportunities in space related fields.
  • To provide a bridge that connects current formal education and the avenues in astronomy and space science.
  • To expose students to academic collaborations at reputed institutions like IUCAA, NCRA-TIFR, and GMRT.
  • To understand the need for space technologies and their role in improving the quality of life.

Course Benefits:

  • Conceptual and practical understanding of astronomy and astrophysics
  • Introduction to the recent discoveries in the field
  • Closes the gap between a basic understanding of the field and higher education
  • Expert Guidance.
  • Exposure to experimental data analysis.
  • Introduction to current technology in space science.
  • Exposure to different/multiple career opportunities in the field.
  • Stronger foundations for further education.
  • Achieve a stronger foundation for further education.